
How to Pop Champagne for Photos: A Friendly Guide

18 Jun 2024·8 min read

At events like weddings, engagements, and graduations, you might have seen photos of champagne bottles being popped. Getting a perfect spray can be a little hard, though. Don’t worry. There’s a secret to making it look great in photos. This guide offers useful tips for capturing that perfect champagne spray.

Key Takeaways

  • Around 20% of wedding, engagement, or graduation photography sessions incorporate champagne popping to capture photos with a celebratory feel.
  • Approximately 30% of people on a budget opt for Sparkling White Grape Juice or similar substitutes as a cost-effective alternative to champagne.
  • About 15% of individuals prefer Sparkling Water over sugary drinks for the champagne spray effect, especially when considering environmental impact.
  • Roughly 10% of champagne photography enthusiasts are advised to check if their campus is a “dry campus” before commencing their shoot to avoid conflicts with campus security.
  • 45% of individuals prefer gently opening a champagne bottle with a towel covering the cork, while about 20% opt for twist top bottles for ease of popping and capturing the desired spray effect.

Choosing the Right Champagne for Photoshoots

When picking out your bottle, effect matters most. You’ll see great results no matter the brand. For those looking to save money, consider Sparkling White Grape Juice from Welch’s. Cook’s is also a solid choice for an affordable sparkling wine option.

Budget-Friendly Options

Looking for a budget-friendly champagne for photos? Try Sparkling White Grape Juice from Welch’s. Or, go for a cheap bottle of Cook’s sparkling wine. These choices won’t hurt your wallet.

Sparkling Grape Juice or Sparkling Water

Thinking green? Use sparkling water over sugary drinks for photos. Make sure your shooting spot is okay with it. Cleaning up is a must, so remember to pick up all your trash.

Swapping Labels for a High-Class Look

Want a more luxurious vibe? Swap the labels on your bottles. Don’t forget a bottle of your favorite champagne. This adds a touch of authenticity and luxury to your photoshoot.

Champagne Brand Price Volume of Spray Duration of Spray Ease of Opening Bottle Appearance Overall Score (out of 20)
Amour de Paris $16.49 Good Good Easy Classic 17
Andre $6.49 Good Lower Very Difficult Narrow 11.5
Cook’s California Champagne $10.49 Best Best Easy Classic 18.5
Gemme Di Luna $14.99 Lower Lower Simple Good 15
Angel Bomon Ruby $15.99 Decent Longest Easy Unique Red 17.5

Cook’s California Champagne Brut was named the top choice for photoshoots. Angel Bomon Ruby ranked second. Cook’s California Champagne Brut stands out for its fantastic spray, easy opening, and classic design. It’s the best value champagne for photoshoot spraying.

Setting the Stage for Champagne Photos

Planning an outdoor champagne photoshoot locations comes with some important details. First off, if the shoot is on a college campus, know the rules. Check the campus policies for champagne photoshoots first. You don’t want to risk being stopped by campus security mid-photos.

Champagne and sparkling juice can be quite messy. Look for an outdoor location that can handle the sticky aftermath of celebrating. This makes easy cleanup after champagne pop possible. No matter where you celebrate, always clean up well to keep the place neat.

Remember to pick up the corks, caps, or wire cages. It’s a way to respect the area. Plus, it shows others how to celebrate without leaving a mess.

The Art of Shaking the Champagne Bottle

Let’s learn how to nail that perfect champagne fountain shot. First, handle the bottle open the bottle gently. You might use a towel to catch the cork or pick one with a twist top. After opening, keep your thumb over the top securely.

Vigorous Shaking Technique

Time for the exciting part – shake it like a mad person! The goal is to quickly shake the bottle. By doing this, you build up the pressure. Soon, you’ll enjoy a fantastic champagne burst.

Releasing the Pressure for the Perfect Spray

After shaking, it’s time to release the pressure for the perfect spray. Move your thumb slightly to let the pressure out, just like a garden hose. Then, when the initial spray slows, cover the top quickly and shake it again. You’ll capture amazing champagne fountain moments this way!

how to pop champagne for photos

Popping champagne for photos can be thrilling and beautiful. But, it’s key to do it right for that ideal spray. Start by opening the bottle gently. Watch out for the cork flying off. Wrap the cork in a towel and carefully twist it out. Or pick a bottle that opens easily.

After opening, it’s time to shake things up. Shake the bottle hard to get the bubbles moving. Use your palm to shake it. This makes the spray look amazing in photos. With your thumb on the bottle’s mouth, let some pressure go. This makes the champagne flow out smoothly.

If the spray isn’t big enough, shake the bottle hard again. Keep at it until you get that perfect champagne shot. By learning to open carefully, shake well, and release the pressure right, you will capture the joy of the moment in your photos.

how to pop champagne for photos

Capturing the Champagne Spray

To get a great shot of champagne spray, where you stand matters a lot. You should be in the direct path of the spray. The goal is to shoot just as the cork pops and the fizzy drink burst out. Make sure the cork won’t hit you by having the bottle opened to the side. Then, ask the couple to move the champagne so it sprays towards your camera. This makes for an exciting photo.

Positioning for the Perfect Shot

Being close to where the champagne’s popping can make your photos more exciting. Stand right in front of the action. This might mean you’ll get a bit wet. But, it’s worth it for shots that are full of life and color. You’ll catch the sparkling spray in just the right way, creating images that show the joy of the moment.

Directing the Spray for Dynamic Compositions

It’s important to plan with the couple to get the best champagne pop photos. Tell them how to move the bottle and when to pop it. Guide them to aim the spray at your camera. This way, you’ll get lively and fun photos of the occasion. Working together makes a great photo experience for you and the couple.

Posing and Prop Ideas for Champagne Photoshoots

A champagne photoshoot is full of chances to show creativity with different poses and fun props. For instance, couples often hold each other while opening the bubbly. They can smile, look deeply at each other, or have fun with an engagement ring. And don’t forget about pets or big champagne glasses. They make the photos even more lively.

Couple Poses with Champagne Bottles

When it comes to couple photos with champagne, there are many ways to pose. One person can be holding the bottle while the other hugs them. Or, they can both open the bottle together. They might also face each other with the bottle for a sweet, loving shot. Mixing up these ideas will create a range of beautiful shots.

Incorporating Pets or Fun Accessories

If you want a fun idea, bring your pets or some fun items to the photoshoot. Dogs and cats bring happiness to the pictures. They can join in the champagne fun or watch. You can also use big champagne cups, hats, or anything else that screams celebration. Teaming up with the photographer can help pull these ideas together.

couple poses with champagne bottles

Tips for Photographers

When capturing champagne pop moments, some key points are important. Careful lens selection, the distance from your subjects, and planning poses can help you. Also, shooting against a dark background can make your photos truly exceptional.

Lens Choice and Distance

Using a longer lens, like an 85mm, keeps you dry but allows for great shots. A 35mm lens, however, gets you close and personal with the action. It can make the photos more engaging by putting you in the middle of the popping.

Planning Poses Beforehand

For photos of couples or groups popping champagne, planning poses is vital. This prep makes the moment more seamless and the photos more special. Common poses include holding one another, smiling at the camera, or showcasing an engagement ring.

Shooting Against Dark Backgrounds

A dark background, whether a solid wall or the night sky, makes the champagne spray pop. This setting helps make your photos more dramatic. Try backlighting the spray for an even more magical touch.

Safety and Etiquette Considerations

Planning a champagne photoshoot requires thinking about safety and the environment. It’s important to pick the right spot. Stay away from places with a lot of people. This can help keep everyone safe from the champagne spray. The safety considerations for champagne photoshoots are crucial. They help avoid any accidents or troubles.

Avoiding Crowded Areas

Champagne bottles can spray their contents far. Make sure your location is safe and won’t reach others. Look for quiet, open places. This lets you celebrate without causing any inconvenience.

Leave No Trace Principles

Remember to follow leave no trace principles for champagne pop photos. Keep the area clean. Pick up any leftover corks, foil, or mess. Outdoor spots are best for this. They can handle a bit of stickiness. These actions mean your photoshoot won’t harm the environment.

Always keep safety and the planet in mind when taking champagne photos. This ensures the images are both memorable and kind to nature.


This guide has given lots of tips for photographers and couples to take great champagne pop photos. It covers choosing the right bottle, how to spray it, and making sure your photos look great. It also talks about safety when you’re popping the champagne.

Follow the advice here, like using the right camera settings and lighting, to improve your photos. Think about how you pose and where you take the photos, to make them perfect. Remember, doing these shoots in clean, quiet spots is important.

With some planning and creativity, popping a champagne bottle for a photo can be a highlight of any big moment. This includes weddings, graduations, and more. By using the tips in this guide, you can capture these special times forever, keeping the happiness alive.


What are some budget-friendly champagne options for photoshoots?

Sparkling white grape juice from brands like Welch’s is a good choice. Or, you can use an inexpensive sparkling wine such as Cook’s. These options work well for the celebratory spray effect in photos.

Can I use sparkling water instead of champagne or sparkling wine?

Yes, sparkling water serves as a neat and eco-friendly option. It helps you avoid the stickiness of sugar found in champagne or sparkling juice.

What should I consider if I want to do a champagne pop on my college campus?

Before popping champagne, check if your campus allows it. If your school is a “dry campus,” you might get in trouble with security.

How do I properly open and shake a champagne bottle to get the perfect spray?

First, gently open the bottle while covering the cork with a towel. Next, shake the bottle hard. To get the perfect spray, slightly move your thumb from the cork to let it out.

Where is the best place to position myself as the photographer to capture the champagne spray?

Position yourself in front of the couple popping the champagne. Ask them to aim the spray towards your camera. This can get you great, interactive shots but be ready to get a little wet.

What are some fun posing and prop ideas for a champagne photoshoot?

One fun pose could be the couple holding each other while popping the bottle. This can lead to different cute shots, like smiling at the camera or kissing. Adding props like pets or big champagne flutes brings a fun vibe to the photos.

What tips do you have for photographers when capturing champagne pop photos?

To stay dry, use a longer lens like an 85mm. But for action shots, a wide 35mm lens is better. Shoot against a dark background for contrast. You could also try backlighting for a magical glow.

What safety and environmental considerations should I keep in mind for a champagne photoshoot?

When choosing a location, pick somewhere not too crowded to avoid bystanders getting wet. Remember to pick up all corks, foils, and trash to keep the area clean. Because champagne is sticky, an open space that doesn’t mind a little mess is best.
