
Pommery Champagne vs Veuve Clicquot: A Luxurious Battle

22 Aug 2024·9 min read

In the world of premium champagne, two iconic French brands are in a constant battle – Pommery and Veuve Clicquot. They have created unique legacies, showing the wide range and historical significance of this luxury wine.

During the 19th century, three women stood out in the champagne industry – Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin, Louise Pommery, and Lily Bollinger. They faced and surmounted tough legal hurdles. Barbe-Nicole started the renowned “Veuve Clicquot” brand and innovated the riddling technique. Louise introduced a dry “brut” style to the English market. Lily took Bollinger to America and introduced the “recently disgorged” vintage cuvée.

Despite comprising a large part of champagne consumers, women are not well-represented in the industry. The success of these innovative women is very inspiring. The champagne market is varied, with outstanding choices but also disappointments that lack in taste quality.

Key Takeaways

  • Pommery and Veuve Clicquot are top French champagne brands with unique histories.
  • The 19th-century “champagne widows” changed the champagne industry significantly.
  • Despite being the top consumers, women are notably absent in the industry.
  • The champagne market offers a wide array of styles and quality levels.
  • Knowing the distinct characteristics of champagne brands helps in making better choices.

Champagne’s Trailblazing Widows

In the 19th century, three amazing champagne widows made history: Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin, Louise Pommery, and Lily Bollinger. They faced laws against women owning businesses but changed the french champagne industry forever. These women in champagne history have lasting impacts, each leading in their special way.

Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin: The Veuve Who Conquered Russia

When Clicquot Ponsardin‘s husband died, she took the reins of his champagne company. She turned it into a worldwide hit. She used her widowhood to market her champagne cleverly and even invented a technique to make it clearer.

Louise Pommery: The English Market Maverick

The English quickly fell in love with Pommery champagne because of Louise Pommery’s bold dry style, known as “brut.” At that time, sweet champagnes were usual, but Pommery’s delicate flavors found fans among the British elite and the middle class.

Lily Bollinger: America’s “First Lady of France”

Lily Bollinger took the Bollinger champagne to the U.S., introducing the prized “recently disgorged” vintage cuvée. Her dedication to quality and lively charm made Bollinger a top choice for celebrations, especially for those with refined tastes.

The achievements by these champagne widows are even more impressive seeing how few women are in the french champagne industry today. They are inspiring examples of how women can succeed despite facing many obstacles.

Iconic French Champagne Houses

Two French champagne brands truly shine as legends – Veuve Clicquot and Pommery. They have made a lasting impact on champagne history. Each has a unique story to tell.

Veuve Clicquot: A Name Synonymous with Champagne

Veuve Clicquot is famous thanks to Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin. She used her widowhood to add prestige to her champagne. This made Veuve Clicquot a respected and exclusive brand. Today, it is one of the most loved champagne brands worldwide. They sell about 16 million bottles each year to over 150 countries.

Pommery: Pioneering the Brut Style

Pommery made a name for itself with the brut style. Louise Pommery aimed at the English market with her dry yet balanced champagne. This was a big hit against the overly sweet champagnes of the time. Through her innovative champagne history and smart champagne marketing, Pommery became an iconic French champagne brand.

Veuve Clicquot and Pommery are more than brands. They are symbols of the very best in champagne. Their history, innovations, and enduring fame have secured them as top French champagne houses.

Unraveling the Champagne Mystique

The world of champagne is filled with mystery and prestige, brought about by the groundbreaking work of the champagne widows in the 19th century. Leading this change was Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin. She changed how champagne was made by her invention, the riddling method.

The Art of Riddling

Removing dead yeast from the bottom of champagne bottles was a tough job. Clicquot-Ponsardin solved this by turning the bottles upside-down. She made a special table with holes for the bottles.

This let the yeast collect in the neck, making it easy to take out.

Her smart method, efficient riddling technique, is still crucial today. It helps make champagne clear and bubbly, the quality we expect from a good bottle.

Innovations that Shaped the Industry

Clicquot-Ponsardin’s work marked just the start of champagne’s change. Lily Bollinger, another widow, made “recently disgorged” vintage champagne famous. This added to its prestige and made champagne even more exclusive.

Thanks to these groundbreaking champagne techniques, the world of champagne is still full of wonder. It captures the hearts of many around the globe.

champagne industry innovations

pommery champagne vs veuve clicquot

Taste the Difference

In the Champagne world, Pommery and Veuve Clicquot are stars. Both from Champagne, they offer unique flavors. They meet the tastes of many.

Veuve Clicquot’s Signature Style

Veuve Clicquot is famous for its smooth medium-bodied Champagne. It mixes tastes like crisp apple and ripe red fruits well, adding toast hints. Madame Clicquot’s innovative spirit turned it into a global hit.

Pommery’s Distinctive Brut Elegance

Pommery’s Champagne is known for a lighter brut style. It’s elegant and balanced, with notes of pear, brioche, and praline. This style is loved by those who prefer something delicate and refined. Louise Pommery’s vision is behind its popularity.

Champagne Tourism: Exploring the Legacies

Champagne has always attracted many to the cellars in France’s Champagne region. The area is known for its champagne tourism, thanks to the champagne widows. These widows built beautiful estates to welcome visitors and show off their brand’s success. Now, people can enjoy premium champagne experiences to learn about these famous champagne labels.

Veuve Clicquot’s Coveted Cuvées

In Reims, the Veuve Clicquot house lets you learn about Madame Clicquot’s fascinating story. You can try their coveted cuvées, like the famous “recently disgorged” champagnes. Tickets from Paris to here cost between $25 and $55, letting you experience the luxury of this iconic champagne brand.

Pommery’s Prestigious Vintages

At Domaine Pommery, explore the legacy of Alexandre-Louis Pommery’s since 1836. The house’s prestigious vintages from years like 1874 are kept in underground cellars and chalk pits, a UNESCO site. For 24 euros, visitors can enjoy a self-guided tour and taste the Brut Royal champagne. It’s a chance to dive into the history and quality of this revered champagne brand.

Champagne House Unique Offerings Visitor Experiences
Veuve Clicquot
  • Coveted “recently disgorged” vintage champagnes
  • Iconic brand history and legacy
  • Train journey from Paris (from $25-$55)
  • Guided tours and tastings
  • Closed for tours from October to March
  • Exceptional vintage champagnes (dating back to 1874)
  • UNESCO World Heritage cellars and chalk pits
  • Self-guided tours with champagne tasting (24 euros)
  • Immersive exploration of the house’s history

Champagne Pairing and Serving Tips

Champagne goes well with a variety of foods, from light seafood to heavy meats. The secret is in matching its style and taste with your meal.

Take Blanc de Blancs, mainly Chardonnay, for example. It’s fresh and lively. It’s best with shellfish, white fish, and veal grenadin. Rosé types, made mostly Chardonnay, offer subtle scents and smooth tastes. They’re perfect with raw fish, grilled prawns, charcuterie, and berry desserts.

Getting champagne served correctly is crucial. It should be at 45-50°F (7-10°C). This keeps the bubbles and flavors just right. Use tall, thin glasses to help the bubbles look amazing and the aromas spread.

After opening a bottle, it’s important to keep it fresh. A champagne stopper or sealer can help. This avoids the wine going bad. Following these ways to serve champagne guarantees a top-notch experience every time.

Champagne Gifting and Celebrations

Champagne has always represented luxury, celebration, and more. It’s a popular choice both for celebrating and giving as a gift. Many prefer well-known brands such as Veuve Clicquot and Pommery for their quality and reputation. They are often chosen for special moments and gifting.

Celebrating big occasions like weddings or New Year’s with champagne adds elegance. The Veuve Clicquot Brut NV is a top pick for its classic style at $55. For very special events, the Dom Pérignon is a luxury choice at $240. It’s a gift symbolizing the grandest celebrations.

Not all champagnes are pricey. There are budget-friendly options that don’t sacrifice quality. For just $27, the Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Blue Label is a great choice. At $48, Taittinger Brut La Francaise Champagne NV stands out for its value and enjoyable taste.

Champagne Brand Price Tasting Notes Occasion
Veuve Clicquot Brut NV $55 Classic, crowd-pleasing style Champagne for celebrations
Dom Pérignon Brut $240 Light-bodied, suitable for special occasions Champagne gift
Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Blue Label $27 Highly rated, budget-friendly brut Champagne gift
Taittinger Brut La Francaise Champagne NV $48 Bright, fuller-bodied, good value Champagne for celebrations

Looking for the perfect champagne gift or something to make a celebration special? Champagne has something for every taste and budget. Whether it’s a well-known brand or a hidden gem, champagne brings joy and sophistication to any event.

The Changing Landscape of Champagne

A new generation of women is changing champagne, breaking barriers in a male-dominated industry. They are making a big impact, from creating the wine to marketing it. This shift is bringing new ideas and methods with it.

Women in Champagne Today

Women today are inspired by famous leaders like Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin. They are leading the way at champagne industry icons like Moët & Chandon. Émilie Perrin and Delphine Cazals are just two of these trailblazers.

Sustainability and Organic Trends

There’s also a big push for sustainability and organic practices in the champagne world. More and more, producers are going green, using eco-friendly methods. This is in line with what today’s champagne lovers care about.

The champagne scene is changing fast. More women are leading, and environmental concerns are at the forefront. This means there’s a lot of change and excitement ahead for those who love champagne.

Champagne Connoisseurship

The world of champagne keeps people spellbound. Experts dive into the tiny details of champagne tasting notes and champagne flavor profiles. Every sip tells a unique story, from light nougat to rich tropical fruits.

Tasting Notes and Flavor Profiles

Blanc de blancs champagnes shine with elegance, made only from chardonnay. But blanc de noirs, made from pinot noir and meunier, are bolder. Rosé champagnes add a touch of red, showing off pink colors and red fruit tastes.

Exploring champagne flavor profiles uncovers each brand’s unique style. Veuve Clicquot is known for its balance and complexity. Pommery’s brut is light and elegant, a delicate choice.

Champagne Investment and Collection

Collecting rare and top-notch champagnes has turned it into an investment. Special bottles like Krug’s Grande Cuvée and Bollinger’s “recently disgorged” are highly prized. They’re not just drinks but treasures for collectors.

Understanding champagne as an investment means knowing what makes a bottle valuable. The journey involves finding rare vintages and special cuvées. It’s a story of love and appreciation for this exquisite drink.

champagne tasting


As we end our look at the special contest between famous French champagne makers Pommery and Veuve Clicquot, we’ve learned a lot. We’ve seen the amazing history and the changing world of champagne. The strong women who shaped this world, like Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin and Louise Pommery, are true heroes.

Their work changed how champagne is made forever. The great taste and unique styles of Veuve Clicquot and Pommery still win fans. Veuve Clicquot brings a rich, layered taste with a medium body. Pommery‘s champagne is known for being light, well-balanced, and elegant.

These iconic brands keep their magic, even as new leaders and ideas shape the champagne world. Secrets of making great champagne, like caring for the environment and organic farming, make us love these sparkling wines even more. It’s a journey that’s made us love champagne even more. Whether you’re new to champagne or a big fan, brands like Pommery and Veuve Clicquot keep us wanting more.

Next time you try champagne, remember its rich story and special flavors. Cheers to the wonderful world of French champagne!


What are the key differences between Pommery and Veuve Clicquot champagnes?

Veuve Clicquot is medium-bodied and smooth, with complex flavors. It has both subtle and full-flavored notes. Pommery’s brut is known for being light-bodied and elegant. The English market loves Pommery’s dry “brut” style. Veuve Clicquot stands out with its respected “Veuve” brand name.

How did the pioneering champagne widows transform the industry?

Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin, Louise Pommery, and Lily Bollinger changed the game in champagne. They did this in a time when women couldn’t own businesses in 19th century France. Clicquot-Ponsardin started the riddling technique. Pommery innovated the dry “brut” style loved by the English. Bollinger introduced the exclusive “recently disgorged” vintage cuvée.

What are some of the innovative techniques and practices introduced by the champagne widows?

Barbe-Nicole Clicquot-Ponsardin invented the riddling method. It’s about turning bottles to collect yeast in the neck for removal. Lily Bollinger made “recently disgorged” vintage cuvée famous. These methods added mystery and quality to champagne.

How have Pommery and Veuve Clicquot become iconic French champagne brands?

Pommery and Veuve Clicquot are now international favorites. Pommery became known through its dry “brut” in the English market. This has shaped modern champagne styles. Veuve Clicquot’s branding and unique champagnes have strengthened its position as a top French champagne house.

What role do women play in the champagne industry today?

Although women are the majority of champagne buyers, they lack top roles in the industry. Yet, today’s female champagne experts are leading in green practices and appealing to buyers. They care about sustainability and organic methods.

What are some of the latest trends and developments in the champagne world?

The champagne scene is shifting towards sustainability. There’s a rise in organic practices and more women in key roles. Collecting champagne for its uniqueness and value is also growing. This boosts the appeal of certain vintage bottles and blends.
